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Business I
Grades: 10-12 CTE credit
Fee: $10/college credit Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: None YC credit: 6.0 credits with grade of C or higher
or teacher recommendation.

This is a dual enrollment course with Yavapai College. Students earn six (6) college credits. Students must maintain a grade of “C” or better to remain in the program. During Semester 1, students will learn the theory of communication in detail, writing for the workplace and develop their skills for delivering professional oral presentations in their workplace. During Semester 2, students will gain a greater understanding of universal management philosophies. Additionally, the student will begin to focus on phases of managerial decision making; planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Equivalent Yavapai College courses are MGT-120: Supervision Techniques and MGT-223: Human Resources Management.

Business II
Grades:11-12 CTE credit
Fee: $10/college credit Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Business I YC credit: 6.0 credits with grade of C or
higher or teacher recommendation.

This is a dual enrollment course with Yavapai College. Students earn six (6) college credits. Students must maintain a grade of “C” or better to remain in the program. Students will learn about the different types of supervisory techniques and how to develop those skills. They will also learn how to be effective listeners and problem solvers with regard to their human resources management processes, conflict resolution, change management and team-building. Semester 2 will be based on human resources theory and practice. Students will learn about employee relations, recruitment processes and placement. Students will also learn about the development and evaluation of employees and gain a greater understanding of compensation and benefits. Equivalent Yavapai College courses are MGT-120: Supervision Techniques and MGT-223: Human Resources Management.

*On completion of the CTE Program and passing of the state assessment, the student shall receive a MICTED cord, a certificate and a copy of their transcript, which document their skill attainment and may be used for prospective employers.


Computers and Networking I
Grades: 10-12 CTE credit
Fee: $10/college credit Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: None YC credit: 7.0 credits with grade of C or
higher This is a dual enrollment course with Yavapai College. Students earn seven (7) college credits. Must maintain a
grade of “C” or better to remain in the program.

Students learn how to install, manage and support personal computers and network servers. Hands- on activities provide students with the skills to build, upgrade, and repair personal computers and install and configure desktop and server operating systems. Students become “administrators” of the classroom network while learning the concepts and procedures involved with computer and network management. 
Equivalent college courses are:
CNT-110: A+ Computer Technician Certification (Semester 1)
Install, configure, support, and troubleshoot personal computers. Emphasis on personal computer hardware and software, operating systems, networking, mobile devices, and security. Preparation for the Comp TIA A+
Certification exam.
CNT-118: Operating System Fundamentals (Semester 2) An introduction to operating system concepts and functions. Topics include memory management, processes and threads, file systems, networking, virtualization, and operating system security.

Computers and Networking II
Grades: 10-12 CTE credit
Fee: $10/college credit Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: None YC credit: 7.0 credits with grade of C or higher
This is a dual enrollment course with Yavapai College. Students earn seven (7) college credits. 

Students learn the skills necessary to install, manage, and support a computer network. With hands-on exercises, students learn to install network cables and configure both wired and wireless networks. Topics include network cabling, security, network protocols, and operating systems. 
Equivalent college courses are:
CNT-101: Networking & Cyber Security Fundamentals (Semester 1)
Essential skills practiced in the networking and cybersecurity professions.
Network device operation and configuration, network protocols, network security, and troubleshooting are key topics of discussion with hands-on activities. The latest networking standards and technologies are covered.
CNT-140: Cisco Routing & Switching I (Semester 2)
Study of computer networking standards and operation. Includes network topologies, network protocols and communications, network addressing, network device configuration, network design, and network security. First of three courses to prepare students to pass the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification examination.

Grades: 10-12 CTE credit
Fee: $10/college credit Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment/completion of CNT II YC credit: 7.0 credits with grade of C or higher
This is a dual enrollment course with Yavapai College. Students earn seven (7) college credits. 

Students learnto install, support, secure, and troubleshoot network devices such as routers, switches, and servers. In addition, students learn how to configure virtual private networks, firewalls, and intrusion prevention systems.

Equivalent college courses are:
CNT 105 - Cybersecurity Principles (Semester 1)
Foundation knowledge and essential skills in all security domains in the cyber world – information security, systems security, network security, mobile security, physical security, ethics and laws, related technologies, defense and mitigation techniques used in protecting businesses.
CNT 135 - Security+: Implementing and Maintaining Network Security (Semester 2) Network security concepts, communication security, network infrastructure security, basics of cryptography and operational/organizational security. Emphasis on network authentication and authorization, securing network devices and services, virus remedies, preventing network attacks, and securing remote access. Prepares students for the Comp/TIA Security+ certification.

Cybersecurity Technician Certificate
This certificate is designed to provide students with the skills required to install, configure, and secure a small to medium-sized network. Emphasis is on cybersecurity technologies and implementation. Students are prepared for the CompTIA Security+ certification. Successful students will have the skills required to gain employment in entry-level positions in the information technology field specializing in cybersecurity.

Certificate Program Requirements
CNT 101 Networking & Cyber Security Fundamentals
CNT 105 Cybersecurity Principles
CNT 140 Cisco Routing & Switching I
CNT 135 Security+: Implementing and Maintaining Network Security

Computer Networking Technician Certificate
This certificate is designed to provide students with the skills necessary to install, troubleshoot and support computers and servers in a small to medium-sized computer network. Students are prepared for two industry certifications: CompTIA A+ Certified IT Technician and CompTIA Network+. Successful students will have the skills required to gain employment in entry-level positions in the information technology field.

Certificate Program Requirements
CNT 101 Networking & Cyber Security Fundamentals
CNT 110 A+ Computer Technician Certification
CNT 118 Operating System Fundamentals
CNT 140 Cisco Routing & Switching I


Digital Media 1- Photography, Videography and Graphic Design
Grade 10-12 CTE credit Fee: None Year: 1.0 credit
Students in this course learn the basic fundamentals of digital photography, videography and graphic design. Students use Adobe based computer application systems such as Photoshop and Premiere Pro to create photo video and design projects, which include stop-motion animation, short videos and public service announcements. Students develop their writing and editing skills while expanding their understanding of the media industry and available career options.

Digital Media 2A - Production Studio
Bradshaw Mountain Morning News
Grade: 11-12 CTE credit
Fee: None Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Digital Media 1 with a C or better. Students continue their professional development by creating and broadcasting daily news announcements for the school campus. Students produce, record and edit digital video commercials and promotional packages of school events, commercials and news packages. Students develop their leadership abilities through participation in the state-recognized Career and Technical Student Organization, FBLA. Upon completion of the class, students can take the Adobe Premiere Pro Certification exam for professional employment and education beyond high school.

*On completion of the CTE Program and passing of the State Assessment, the student shall receive a CTED cord, a certificate and a copy of their transcript, which document their skill attainment and may be used for prospective employers.

Digital Media 2B -Yearbook
Grade: 11-12 CTE credit
Fee: $10 Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Digital Media 1

Students continue advancing their photography skills and knowledge by continuation of the yearbook development and publication. Students completing this program will be prepared to enter the workforce and/or post-secondary education, where they will be able to apply the skills necessary to be in Digital Photography while also having a strong portfolio to support their knowledge and skill. Students learn leadership skills and develop their leadership abilities through participation in the state-recognized Career and Technical Student Organization, FBLA.

Multimedia Independent Study
Grades: 11-12 CTE credit
Fee: None Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Digital Media 2 with a grade of C or better. Students serve as mentors to the Digital Media 2 students, as they demonstrate their mastery of the technical skills required by the professional industry by creating a digital portfolio. An integrated approach to teaching and learning is recommended as students develop interpersonal relations, career development skills, workplace employability skills and technical knowledge and skills.

Leadership, Education, and Training (LET) - JROTC

JROTC (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) has four levels of Leadership, Education, and Training (LET). These classes are designed to teach the values of citizenship, leadership, service to the community, personal responsibility, and give a sense of accomplishment, while instilling self-esteem, teamwork, and self-discipline. The program’s focus is reflected in its mission statement, “To Motivate Young People to be Better Citizens.”

JROTC’s performance-based curriculum requires that cadets master competencies, perform skills, apply knowledge, and model or exhibit behaviors representing the desired attitudes. A custom-fitted uniform is worn once a week on the designated uniform day. There is no obligation to join the armed forces; however, satisfactory completion of two years can lead to advanced rank in the Armed Forces. College ROTC scholarships are available for outstanding students meeting college entrance requirements. *Students successfully completing a year of JROTC Physical Training (PT) requirements receive (.25) credits for Physical Education (PE). Bradshaw Mountain High School requires 1.0 credit of PE for graduation.

Grade: 9-12 CTE/Elective credit
Fee: $25 Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: None
This course will give an overview of the JROTC structure and the LET levels. It will focus on maximizing student’s potential for success in high school and life through learning study skills and self-management. Students will develop basic leadership, follower, and citizenship skills while beginning to learn effective ways to build relationships with peers and co-workers. Students will practice conflict resolution and engage in community/service learning.

Grade: 10-12 CTE/Elective credit
Fee: $25 Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Grades of “C” or above in LET 1
This course continues developing the skills learned in LET 1. In addition, students learn to promote wellness through nutrition, physical fitness, and substance abuse prevention. Students will apply physical and political geography to build global awareness and correlate the rights and responsibilities of citizenship to the purposes of the US government.

Grade: 11-12 CTE/Elective credit
Fee: $25 Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Grades of “C” or above in LET 2
This course continues developing the skills learned in LET 1 and 2. In addition, we relate events in US history to choices and responsibilities Americans have today. Students will learn organizational structure and how organizations work. Leadership skills expand into decision making, problem solving, team building, and planning skills needed for complex events.

Grade: 12 CTE/Elective credit
Fee: $25 Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Grades of “C” or above in LET 3
This course continues developing the skills learned as LET 1, 2, and 3. In addition, students learn teaching skills and the National Endowment for Financial Education Planning Program (NEFE). Students will learn advanced leadership principles of power bases and influence, styles of leadership, management skills, communication, and motivation. They will learn the role of the military in defending and maintaining peace for a democratic society. 


The Nursing Assistant program at BMHS prepares students to perform technical services involved with planning, organizing, and directing processes related to the provision of nursing assisting services. An integrated approach to teaching and learning is provided as students develop interpersonal relations, career development skills and technical knowledge and skills associated with nursing assisting and the pathway into other health careers. Students will have the opportunity to participate in teams, solve problems, think critically and implement effective solutions. This program is designed and delivered as a coherent sequence of experiences using technical instruction, academic foundations, experiential learning and a supervised occupational experience. 

Upon successful course completion, students are eligible for application to the AZ State Board of Nursing for nursing assistant certification and employment. Five (5) college credit hours are possible at completion of the CNA program with a 75% or higher through Dual Enrollment at Yavapai College. Career and Technical Student Organization (HOSA) standards will be an integral part of this program.

Certified Nursing Assistant - Fundamentals
Grades: 12 CTE credit
Fee: $30 Semester: 1.25 credit (2-period block)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Anatomy and Physiology with a C or higher in both semesters; Application to program; Instructor interview/approval; Current Health Care Provider (professional) CPR Certification; Current First Aid Certification

CNA Fundamentals prepares students to apply academic, employability and technical knowledge and skills related to common industry standards and practices of nursing assisting within the nursing profession. Students will focus on fundamental knowledge and skills essential to the development of personal, professional, leadership and career success qualities of a patient care provider. This class is a two-period block.

CNA Fundamentals SKILLS LAB provides students the opportunity to apply CNA Fundamental knowledge from the classroom setting into the hands-on skill portion of the program. All students must be in good health with documented physical ability to lift 50 pounds safely. Students must also be able to see and hear well in order to master the skills required to provide safe, quality care as a CNA. Reasonable accommodations for persons with documented (IEP/504) disabilities will be made. Skills lab is a MANDATORY after-school class, one day a week per student for three and one half (3 ½) hours. The student’s day will be assigned at the beginning of the program in August. This class is a graded class and is required for the student to advance into the clinical portion of the program.

The District does not provide health insurance for student participation in the CNA program. Students participate at their own risk. Parents/guardians are encouraged to purchase supplemental insurance and/or ensure that their private health insurance is adequate.

Certified Nursing Assistant - Advanced Applications
Grades: 12 CTE credit
Fee: $114 for CNA State Board Exam Semester: 1.25 credit (2-period block)
at completion of program (optional)
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Certified Nursing Assistant – Fundamentals with a grade of 75% or higher; Successful completion of Certified Nursing Assistant – Fundamentals SKILLS LAB with a grade of 75% or higher)

CNA Advanced Applications is a continuation of the CNA Fundamentals class and prepares students to apply advanced academic and technical knowledge and skills related to nursing assisting in a variety of settings within the nursing profession. This course builds on previously learned program content and focuses on essential nursing assistant knowledge, skills and work- based learning to develop students as safe and competent patient care providers. This class is a two- period block.

CNA Advanced Applications CLINICAL allows the student to demonstrate their knowledge and skill level by performing safe basic nursing care and is required by the Arizona State Board of Nursing. All students must be in good health with documented physical ability to lift 50 pounds safely. Students must also be able to see and hear well in order to master the skills required to provide safe, quality care as a CNA. Reasonable accommodations for persons with documented (IEP/504) disabilities will be made. Clinical is a MANDATORY after school class, one day a week (per student), for four and one half (4 1/2) hours. The student’s day will be assigned at the beginning of the program in August. This class is held off-site within the Tri-City Area (specific locations TBD); transportation is not provided. This class is Pass/Fail and is required for the student to be eligible for application to the Arizona State Board of Nursing for nursing assistant certification and employment. Please note, students will also be required to complete after school skills lab hours in addition to clinical hours during 2nd semester.

*Upon completion of the CTE Program and passing of the State Assessment, the student shall receive an MICTED cord, a certificate and a copy of their transcript, which document their skill attainment and may be used for prospective employers.


Software and App Design 1
Grade: 10-11 Elective credit
Fee: none Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Computer Science

This course focuses on applying problem-solving and critical thinking involved in the process of software development. The course introduces students to coding languages including but not limited to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. Curriculum from will be a core aspect of the program. This course explores program coding, analysis, and debugging. Current issues related to privacy and ethical issues in computer security will be addressed in this course. All students who take Software and App Design 1 are encouraged to complete the program and take Software and App Design 2.

*On completion of the CTE program and passing of the state assessment, the student shall receive an MICTED cord, a certificate, and a copy of their transcript which document their skill attainment and may be used for prospective employers.

Software and App Design 2
Grade: 10-11 Elective credit
Fee: none Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Software Development 1

This course elaborates on the concepts covered in Software and App Design 1 with a greater focus on applying problem-solving and critical thinking involved in the process of software development. The course introduces students to coding languages including but not limited to, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python. Curriculum from will be a core aspect of the program. This course expands program coding, analysis, and debugging.

Current issues related to privacy and ethical issues in computer security will be addressed in this course. *On completion of the CTE Program and passing of the State Assessment, the student shall receive an MICTED Cord, a certificate, and a copy of their transcript which document their skill attainment and may be used for prospective employers.


Sports Medicine I
Grade: 11-12 CTE credit
Fee: $40 (HOSA) Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Anatomy and Physiology An advanced lecture-laboratory course designed for students interested in athletic training, medicine, physical therapy, exercise science and/or other related paramedical fields. Students will examine the causes, prevention, evaluation, management, and rehabilitation of various sport related conditions. Topics regarding research, kinesiology, nutrition, pharmacology, exercise science and implementation of sports medicine programs will also be investigated. Enrolled students will be required to work as student athletic trainers. Students will be required to work after school, weekends and will be supervised by the school’s athletictrainer.

Sports Medicine II
Grade: 11-12 CTE credit
Fee: $40 (HOSA) Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Sports Med I
This course offers instruction and practical application in the skills of a personal trainer as well as the techniques necessary for the prevention and care of athletic injuries. Field experience will be required as students work with athletes as they learn the role and function of athletic training and personal training. Students will be required to work after school, weekends and will be supervised by the school’s athletic trainer.

*On completion of the CTE Program and passing of the State Assessment, the student shall receive a MICTED cord, a certificate and a copy of their transcript, which document their skill attainment and may be used for prospective employers.


Stagecraft 1
Grades: 9-12 CTE/Fine Art credit
Fee: $15 course material fee Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: none
This course will teach the basics of theater production including all aspects of design and implementation including lighting, sound, costuming, makeup, sets, management, props, and rigging. Students will have the opportunity to participate in school theatrical productions to further enhance their understanding of concepts learned in class.

Stagecraft 2
Grades: 10-12 CTE credit
Fee: $15 course material fee/$10 college credit Year: 1.0 credit
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Stagecraft 1 YC Credit: 6.0 with grade of C or higher with a C or higher
and an interview with the director. This is a dual enrollment class with Yavapai College. Students will earn six (6) college credits. Students will further enhance their skills in all areas of theatrical production learned in Stagecraft 1. Emphasis will be placed on set, prop, sound and lighting design for the productions of the BMHS Theatrical Troupe. Involvement in productions is required which includes night and weekend commitments as per dual enrollment requirements. Second-year students in the Stagecraft program will compile a professional portfolio and are required to compete in events at the Arizona Thespian State Conference and the Northern Arizona Festival of Theater. Additional fees for the competitions may be charged. Special focus in the course is given to college and career readiness in the field of theatrical production.